Careers Education Information & Guidance



All young people regardless of their race, gender or academic abilities need a planned programme of activities to help them make decisions and plan their careers.  Northumberland PRU ensures that all registered pupils in Years 7-11 have access to independent, accurate and impartial information advice and guidance.  An external deliverer (Careerwave) is utilised to offer tailored sessions and interviews to every pupil.


The Management Committee recognise that to meet this statutory requirement we must ensure that the independent careers guidance provided:

-          is presented in an impartial manner.

-          includes information on the full range of education and training options, including                                   apprenticeships and vocational pathways.

-          will promote the best interests of the pupils to whom is it given.


Northumberland PRU has a critical role to play in preparing our pupils for the next stage of their education or training and beyond.


A young person’s career is their pathway through learning and work and we recognise that effective career guidance contributes to raising aspirations, improving motivation and overcoming barriers to success and we are committed to achieving all of the Gatsby Benchmarks.


We have high expectations for all of our pupils, including for our most vulnerable and those with special educational needs and disabilities, so that every student is challenged appropriately and acquires the knowledge, skills and attitudes for lifelong learning which are valued by employers. This will help every young person to realise their potential and enhance their employability.