Literacy & Reading for Purpose, Pleasure & to Inform at Northumberland PRU

At Northumberland PRU, we understand that good literacy is essential to a rich, fulfilling and successful life. Skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening are used every day in order to communicate successfully with those around us and help us understand the world in which we live. The better we are at these skills, the more opportunities become available to us.
In order to improve these skills, we need structured opportunities to practice them. Northumberland PRU’s curriculum is rich in opportunities for students to read, write, listen and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences. Helping students to express themselves clearly, through development of vocabulary, enhances and enriches teaching and learning in all subjects and prepares the student for life after school.
We believe that reading, and particularly reading for pleasure, has a direct impact on cognitive and social communicative development. Our aim is to develop each student’s potential to the point where they are reading at, or above, their chronological age. We provide support and encouragement to students and carefully monitor and accelerate their progress through a robust system of assessment, data analysis and intervention.
“Acquiring literacy is an empowering process, enabling millions to enjoy access to knowledge and information which broadens horizons, increases opportunities and creates alternatives for building a better life.”
Kofi Annan (Seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations)