STEAM at Northumberland PRU

STEAM means Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. This means that staff in school look for opportunities and initiatives that our learners can benefit from. We also believe that getting female pupils into STEAM careers is one of the prime objectives of this century and, as such, we at Northumberland PRU will be doing all we can to help with this.


At Northumberland PRU we realise the huge positives in giving our learners as many STEAM opportunities as possible. One of the primary reasons for doing this is the amazing career benefits that it can bring. There are new jobs being created every day that simply did not exist ten years ago. Statistics show that 65% of students will be employed in jobs that did not exist ten years ago.  By using STEAM we coach our learners into being ‘problem solvers’ which all businesses require.


Northumberland PRU will further develop links via local organisations and students in order to start giving them the life skills they will need as early as possible. It is never too early or too late to learn a new problem-solving skill.


STEAM careers currently have the largest number of job openings for young people.  For this reason, we believe that STEAM opportunities are essential for our learners to become involved in and experience.

STEAM Learning:
Steam information and courses for teenagers:
Useful ideas to get your child to enjoy STEAM projects:
New careers: